You can use the contact information form (under the "More" tabs above) to leave a detailed description. Please include name, number, what day and time for appointment request. Please note, that if you have a gift certificate, a credit card is still required to book in the event, you lose it, cancel last minute, or book a future session. You may call or text at 916-532-3392. I will respond if not in a session with a client. Hours of Business are Thursdays through Sundays 9-430pm.
You can use the contact information form (under the "More" tabs above) to leave a detailed description. Please include name, number, what day and time for appointment request. Please note, that if you have a gift certificate, a credit card is still required to book in the event, you lose it, cancel last minute, or book a future session. You may call or text at 916-532-3392. I will respond if not in a session with a client. Hours of Business are Thursdays through Sundays 9-430pm.